
Fabiano Godoy

Special Advisor

Fabiano currently works at Conservation International (CI) as Senior Technical Director for the Conservation Finance Division. In this role he advises CI’s field offices on the design and implementation of climate mitigation projects and sustainable landscape initiatives. Fabiano holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cartographic Engineering from Federal University of Paraná – his home state – in Brazil. He worked for the Associção Mico-Leão Dourado as GIS coordinator from 2000 to 2004. He was hired to implement the GIS Lab and amplify the spatial analysis regarding the Atlantic Forest – golden lion tamarin’s habitat. Most of his early efforts were focused on building capacity on the use of geo-technology.

Fascinated by tamarin’s ecology and intrigued by the complexity of issues regarding habitat conservation, Fabiano moved to the USA in 2004 to pursue a M.S in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology from University of Maryland. While a student Fabiano worked as an independent consultant in several conservation and community development projects, including spending 4 months in Costa Rica leading student volunteers, and auditing The Nature Conservancy’s Atlantic Forest restoration project.

After graduating Fabiano started working for CI’s Center for Applied Biodiversity Science department, doing research on deforestation spatial modeling and conservation incentives, including REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation). From 2006-2008, Fabiano also worked for the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force as information management coordinator.