Help Us Grow Trees for GLTs

YOU can help grow trees in Brazil connecting GLT habitat to save this endangered species from extinction. 


AMLD staff plant forest corridors to connect fragmented GLT habitat.

YOU can help support reforestation efforts in Brazil as we purchase, plant, and maintain tree seedlings in the GLT’s native range.

The main threat today to golden lion tamarins (GLTs) is that their remaining lowland Atlantic Forest habitat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is fragmented in small forest “islands,” none large enough to guarantee long-term survival of a viable population of lion tamarins. Unless sufficient remaining forest fragments are reconnected and protected very soon, the GLTs living in them will succumb to inbreeding, disease, and other environmental threats—and the species will become extinct in the wild. 

Our Brazilian partner, Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado (AMLD), is reconnecting these forest fragments by growing forest corridors that tamarins and other wildlife can cross. AMLD has trained a local network of small farmers who collect seeds of native trees in the forest, grow the tree seedlings, and earn income by selling the seedlings to reforestation efforts. AMLD purchases native tree seedlings from the tree nursery network, plants the seedlings in areas to connect key forest fragments, cares for the seedlings to make sure they are established and will survive on their own, and involves the local community in monitoring the growth of a forest.

In three years, the planted seedlings will be well on their way to becoming a forest the GLTs and other wildlife can use! 

The cost for AMLD to purchase seedlings, plant, care for and monitor one full acre for three years is US$8,233. For as little as US$15, you can support one tree! Consider donating to our Trees for GLTs campaign as a gift or in someone’s name. 

  • Your $15 donation will support one tree

  • Your $45 donation will support three trees

  • Your $150 donation will support ten trees

  • Your $600 donation will support 40 trees!

You can help replant GLT habitat right now! Click here, or scroll down to see all of our donation and gift giving options. 


A local nursery that provides native seedlings for AMLD reforestation efforts.

With each tax-deductible donation, you, or the recipient you designate, will receive a certificate by e-mail. It’s the perfect gift to show your commitment to make a real difference for golden lion tamarins!

To donate, click here or click the GLT donate button below. Input your donation amount and pay by either signing into PayPal or using a credit or debit card. Under the money amount, you can edit the text block "Name to be entered on your certificate" with your name or the name of a gift recipient, and please include their email if you'd like us to send it directly to them.

Please make a real difference for tamarins with a tax deductible donation to Grow Trees for GLTs !