Our 2013 Progress Report

SGLT's partner organization, the Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado (AMLD) is the lead organization in the international effort to keep endangered golden lion tamarins (GLTs) safe from extinction in their Brazilian Atlantic Forest habitat. Our 2013 Progress Report was just finalized and has been posted on our website for you to enjoy here!

World experts in management of small populations of wildlife are in agreement that to avoid extinction we need at least 2,000 GLTs living in a landscape of 25,000 hectares (97 square miles) of connected and protected Atlantic Forest. That is our goal and we have a realistic plan to get there.

2013 was a banner year in moving toward our conservation goal and we are pleased to share some of the highlights. We are well on our way, but there is much left to be done. Thank you for your help!