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Save the Golden Lion Tamarin (SGLT) is a United States 501 (c) (3) public charity, created in 2005 by a small group of passionate U.S.-based conservation professionals who have dedicated their careers to golden lion tamarin conservation. Save the Golden Lion Tamarin provides technical and financial support to help the Brazilian organization Associação Mico-Leão Dourado (AMLD or Golden Lion Tamarin Association) coordinate work to save golden lion tamarins in perpetuity.  Save the Golden Lion Tamarin focuses its efforts to help AMLD achieve the long-term financial stability to retain their competent team to continue their critical work. 

Founders of Save the Golden Lion Tamarin in 2005: L to R Benjamin Beck, Devra Kleiman, James Dietz, Lou Ann Dietz, and Inês Castro (not in the photo)

 Save the Golden Lion Tamarin is incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the state of Iowa and registered in the state of Maryland as a charitable organization.  We are a lean all-volunteer organization that functions virtually, with a mailing address at the Silver Spring, Maryland home of its treasurer.   The work is accomplished at the homes and offices of the twelve board members and other volunteers.

International Recognition

Our Mission

1. To protect the Golden Lion Tamarin, a tiny endangered primate, and to protect and restore the globally outstanding biodiversity of its natural habitat, the Brazilian Atlantic Coastal Rainforest.

2. To cooperate with other organizations with similar purposes.

3. To enlighten and educate society about preservation of the environment, especially the Atlantic Forest and the Golden Lion Tamarin.

4. To support and promote the efforts of Associação Mico-Leão Dourado (AMLD), a Brazilian non-profit registered under the laws of the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, whose mission is the conservation of the biodiversity of the Brazilian Atlantic Coastal Forest focusing on the long-term protection of the Golden Lion Tamarin in its natural habitat.

Our Partners & Supporters

Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado and Save the Golden Lion Tamarin thank:

Our Major Partner institutions for their substantial long-term financial and technical contributions: 

Miami University

Miami University Project Dragonfly Global Field Program is a master’s degree program that brings scientists, educators, community leaders, and others together at critical conservation hotspots to explore new solutions for a sustainable planet. One of the Program’s Earth Expeditions Courses “Saving Golden Lion Tamarins” takes place in Brazil each year in partnership with Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado.

Zoo Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta saves wildlife and their habitats through conservation, research, education and engaging experiences. Their efforts connect people to animals and inspire conservation action.


Copenhagen Zoo

Part of the Copenhagen Zoo’s mission is to actively contribute to the conservation of endangered species and their habitats, based on a scientific foundation. This scientific foundation is formed from research in the wild, as well as through the management of the animal population at Copenhagen Zoo.


Philadelphia Zoo

The region’s leading family destination and one of the area’s foremost conservation organizations, Philadelphia Zoo is home to nearly 1,300 animals, many rare and endangered.


Disney Conservation Fund

Disney’s commitment to environmental stewardship focuses on using resources wisely as we operate and grow our business. Disney also provides philanthropic grants and expertise to save wildlife, inspire action, and protect the planet.


Rainforest Trust

Rainforest Trust saves endangered wildlife and protects our planet by creating rainforest reserves through partnerships, community engagement and donor support.


Brazilian Biodiversity Fund/ExxonMobil

The Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO) is an innovative financial mechanism created to drive the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Brazil.  


DOB Ecology

The mission of DOB Ecology is to support partners that work to protect and restore threatened ecosystems and (re)build the conditions for resilient livelihoods of local communities.


Thank you to all our supporters who believe in the work we do and help make this conservation effort a reality.


The following institutions and individuals have made financial and technical contributions to GLT conservation through Save the Golden Lion Tamarin, through the Lion Tamarins of Brazil Fund  or directly to Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado.


Annual Reports & Financial Statements


2023 Annual Progress Report

View or Download our AMLD and SGLT 2023 Annual Report to read about our recent accomplishments, such as the completion of a new census revealing the largest number of GLTs ever recorded in the wild, and the start of an innovative project to enrich native forests with plants that boost ecological recovery. The report also announces AMLD’s purchase of a neighboring property that doubles the size of the Golden Lion Tamarin Ecological Park. Once reforested, it will expand GLT habitat bringing new opportunities for research and ecotourism. Other highlights are the recent park developments providing visitors with new nature and interpretive trails and an interactive exhibit that shares the day of a family of golden lion tamarins. In this report you can also learn about efforts to save the endangered GLTs through the management of zoo populations, sustainable farming and social engagement, environmental education, public policy, research, and communications with stakeholders.

Our organization earned the Platinum Seal of Transparency, showcasing the progress and results we’re making toward our mission! Check out our updated Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar.