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Save the Golden Lion Tamarin (SGLT) is a United States 501 (c) (3) public charity, created in 2005 by a small group of passionate U.S.-based conservation professionals who have dedicated their careers to golden lion tamarin conservation. Save the Golden Lion Tamarin provides technical and financial support to help the Brazilian organization Associação Mico-Leão Dourado (AMLD or Golden Lion Tamarin Association) coordinate work to save golden lion tamarins in perpetuity. Save the Golden Lion Tamarin focuses its efforts to help AMLD achieve the long-term financial stability to retain their competent team to continue their critical work.

Founders of Save the Golden Lion Tamarin in 2005: L to R Benjamin Beck, Devra Kleiman, James Dietz, Lou Ann Dietz, and Inês Castro (not in the photo)
Save the Golden Lion Tamarin is incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the state of Iowa and registered in the state of Maryland as a charitable organization. We are a lean all-volunteer organization that functions virtually, with a mailing address at the Silver Spring, Maryland home of its treasurer. The work is accomplished at the homes and offices of the twelve board members and other volunteers.