Devra G. Kleiman,
Vice-President and Founding Director

***Devra actively served as Vice-President
until her unexpected death on April 29, 2010 at age 67

Devra Kleiman is  an independent consultant (Principal of Zoo-Logic, LLC), Senior Scientist Emeritus at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park and Adjunct Professor with the Department of Biology at the University of Maryland. 

Devra completed her PhD at University College London and spent much of her career at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, for many of those years as Assistant Director for Research.  She also has a Certificate in Organization Development form the NTL Institute. 

Her interests and expertise are in mammalian reproduction and behavior, zoo biology, conservation biology (specifically endangered species recovery and reintroduction), organization development and institutional strategic planning and program evaluation.  Kleiman has authored more than 150 scientific and popular publications, lectures widely, and been Editor or Co-editor of more than 8 books and symposium volumes, including the much referenced Wild Mammals in Captivity and Lion Tamarins:  Biology and Conservation. She was a elected member of the Board of Governors of the Society for Conservation Biology from 2003-2006 and currently is a Handling Editor for the journal Conservation Biology, a position she has had since the journal’s first volume was published. She has been a member of numerous Editorial Boards for scientific journals.  Devra serves with numerous national and international organizations, including being North American Section Chair for the IUCN/SSC Reintroduction Specialist Group, a member of the Primate Specialist group and the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group.  She is on the Steering Committee of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums - AZA Reintroduction Advisory Group.

Devra began mobilizing conservation of golden lion tamarins in the 1970s at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, applying scientific research to improve breeding success in the captive population. In 1982, she mobilized a team to begin the reintroduction of captive –born tamarins to their native Atlantic Forest habitat in Brazil.  Under Devra’s coordination the effort developed into a long-term program to save the species in its native habitat, and in 1992, Devra helped to found the Associação Mico-Leão Dourado (AMLD) to support and guide conservation efforts in Brazil for the species.  She continues to serve as an elected member of the AMLD Board.  Devra is a founding member of the International Committee for the Conservation and Management of Lion Tamarins and continues to serve on that body.

Devra has received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Society for Conservation Biology, the National Science Foundation WISE Award.  The Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program also won one of the first Conservation Awards from the AZA, based on Devra’s coordination of the program. In 2001, IBAMA, Brazil presented her with a medal to honor her contributions to primatology in Brazil.